MMA Throws&Takedowns (EN)
4 Seasons
Here you will be shown all the relevant throws and takedowns that are used in modern MMA. The throws include techniques from judo and wrestling (Greco-Roman style), controlling the upper body and bringing the opponent to the ground. The takedowns deal with all attacks that go to the legs, for example, single and doubleleg attacks
01:53Episode 1
Drill for Bodylock Frontescape
Episode 1
In this clip we show you another technique with which you can free yourself from the bodylock
03:05Episode 2
Drill for Bodylock Backescape 1
Episode 2
We show you in this clip how you can free yourself from the bodylock
Drill for Underhook Offense Advance To Bodylock
Episode 3
In this video we show you how to move from the underhook to the bodylock
Drill for Bodylock Offense Entry With Punches 1
Episode 4
This video shows you how to transition from a standup fight to a bodylock
Drill for Bodylock Offense Entry With Punches 2
Episode 5
Professional MMA fighters Christian and Sascha show you how to safely fight for the bodylock position
03:15Episode 6
Drill for Bodylock Offense Drag
Episode 6
We show you how to use the bodylock to throw your partner to the ground in front of you